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Why We Need the Evangelical Jeremiad
Speaking about dangers and errors is no failure of love for one’s own community.
Self-Care Only Works in God’s Care
Christian faith calls not for indulgence or self-denial but something else entirely.
Books Open Windows into Holiness
How models from literature guide us toward the good.
一些不良的属灵领袖们用话语宣告基督,却用生活否定祂。 以下是我们可以从他们的失败中汲取的教训。
一些不良的屬靈領袖們用話語宣告基督,卻用生活否定祂。 以下是我們可以從他們的失敗中汲取的教訓。
Shame Is Often Toxic and Harmful. Sometimes, It’s Just What We Deserve.
A Christian philosopher pushes back on attempts to rid ourselves of this unloved emotion.
Beware False Teachers with Good Doctrine and Bad Ethics
Poor leaders proclaim Christ in word but deny him with their lives. Here’s what we can learn from their failures.
Christian Virtue Strengthens the Social Justice Cause
Liberation from injustice starts with obedience to God and his moral order.
On Answering with Gentleness and Respect
Christians are called to good-faith interactions online.
¿Conoce el pecado de la acedia?
Cómo el pecado de la acedia podría interferir con sus mejores hábitos espirituales en preparación para la Pascua.
Lent Lifts Us Up Where We Belong
These 40 days of self-denial might seem painful during a pandemic. But the habits of “tedious love” are just what we need right now.
True Love Waits to Regather
This Valentine’s Day, the church’s greatest act of affection for others is following health guidelines.
Rediscovering the Pedagogical Power of Narnia
C. S. Lewis’s fiction can teach virtue, according to a new curriculum. But the true potential is so much more.
Why ‘Ditch the Deli Meat’ and Other Prohibitions Miss the Point of Pregnancy
Childbearing is too often defined by restrictions against vice instead of invitations to virtue.
This Pandemic Hits Americans Where We’re Spiritually Weak
Our cultural values are making us sad: money, mortality, and fear of missing out.
In a Time of Crisis, We Need Both ‘Sense’ and ‘Sensibility’
The Bible speaks to our rational and emotional needs. But how do we balance them in the midst of fear?
Beth Moore: God Uses Your Mistakes for Good
In the Lord’s economy, nothing is wasted—not even rotten fruit.
We’re Misreading the Bible on Laziness
Scripture warns against sloth—and against using it to explain away oppression.
Why Niceness Weakens Our Witness
I can’t follow Christ and also succeed at being nice.
The Devil Lives in the Mirror
Demonic lies hide as truth. They also lurk close to home.

Top Story April 27, 2024

What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
The rage of the mob is a poor substitute for real community.

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